A Delhi Farmer Earning Rs 80,000 Per Month from Organic Farming in Limited Space

New Delhi

Today , the farming concept of high production of farm products  without any quality and safety , has no value of quantity and it is therefore, the organic farming has  more attrection  due to its high potential  for profit making and ability to generate  ample  employment opportunities in farm sector. Often, people afraid of organic farming, nothing to scare from profession  farming( organic farming)  stated Dr. Narendra Kumar, a man known to down to earth is Senior Organic  Agronomist under the auspices of MSME conducted  two days training on Organic farming and hydroponics in New Delhi on 28 & 29 Sept.2019 in very effective manner. 

The prime focus of training program  was  making farmers profitable  , safe  and hygienic  food production production techniques . So that a land owner can avail lot many benefits from Govt. schemes like starting F.P.O , public limited company with minimal 20 governing members. Farmer's definition was also defined stated that a farmer - one who owns 500 sq m of agricultural land is a farmer.  If a farmer  is fulfilling all the criteria  and then  he is entitled  to get all the facility  e given by the government  it and his all profit is income tax free. Soil testing of all members is paid by Govt. The crop insurance is  available just @ Rs 500 per acre. The subsidy is available from 50% to 100 %. depending on scheme and there is liberal loans policy. 

Doctor Kumar said that India is contributing 30% of world organic food export. The export benefits are in addition to above. Food processing is another field which has many  additional. Because, the people are well aware of  qualities of the any food  products which are are free from any toxic compound and chemicals. He also told that the  food adulteration  is a serious problem of the  country and getting safe and testy food is not possible easily.
Prevention of  food contamination is not  possible  in one day , it will take  time. Organic farming is only way to eliminate food  toxicity. He also explained the harmful  effect of pesticides , hormones and ripening chemicals . Emphasize on organic food production to replace the food production/ produce  with organic foods . Once, organic food is made available  in the market  and each and every book and corner ,no one will like to eat carcinogenic/toxic foods  since most of diseases are caused by food produced by chemicals. 

It is stated that Sikkim is 100 % Organic State and all farmers get 100 % subsidy.  According to  recent advances of the agriculture farming , now a days , food can be grown without soil  and  former  has no worry now , if soil is not good and for farming. Food can be grown with 10% of water as used in conventional agriculture.  Cow dung can be converted to concentrated humid acid which is sold @ Rs 16,000 per liter. Certified Organic manure sells from Rs 45 to Rs 75 per kg.

Accordingly, fodder can be grown in controlled conditions with little space and little water so feeding of cows can be very easily managed. Sandal- @Chandan Tree@ can be grown, if proper procedure is adopted. For commercial use two years old sapling @ Rs 500  available for anyone. Once , the Sandal tree is  ready , it can be sold in any Lacs up to one crore . The sandal tree matures after 15 years. Everyone can grow  vegetable and fruits in his/ her own kitchen garden with modern technique to fulfill his  daily vegetable requirements.  It is also stated that many farmers in the country are easily earning of Rs 80,000 per month from organic food production in 1000 sq ft space.

Training program emphasized on  modern science with traditional knowledge to get benefit from agriculture  wherein  farmers are  discouraged and hopeless.   Many examples of the young entrepreneurs  where is stated  to inspire the trainees , informed  success story of a 23 years  old, graduate engineer of New Delhi who is making money of Rs 40,000 per day while he had taken  farming land on lease from local farmer. He left his engineering profession due to his passion of modern organic farming.  

One lecture  was taken by Dr O. P. Sharma "Vidyarthi",Sahitya Academy Award Winner and.Science Communicator who is currently holding responsibility of Principle Chief Conservator of Forests (PCCF) J&K explained  the importance of food production in view of biodiversity and climatic change.There was much more discussion  on safe and profitable farming which opened eyes of all participants of two days sessions.  The organizers of the training program , arranged a field visit show the food processing  and packaging techniques to get the good market and price.
